Friday, 27 May 2016

Enter The Kingdom of Heaven with SatGuru Babaji Nagaraj ( Mahavatar Babaji)

Fiery Sound and Sounding Flame - Now Enter Ye into the Kingdom of Heaven

“Prajapati vai idam agref aseet Tasya vag dvitya aseet,
Vag vai parmam Brahma. “
(“In the beginning was Prajapati, the Brahman, with whom was the Word, and the Word was verily the supreme Brahman.”) 
This text remarkably parallels the opening of the Gospel according to St. John: 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Thus Aum becomes Brahman as manifesting Itself in the Word, and in the Taittriya Upanishad, It is referred to as the “sheath of Brahman,” as something which takes Its life from Brahman and contains Him. This aspect is made even clearer in the sam Veda:

Brahman is at once Shabd and Ashabd both, And Brahman alone vibrates in space.”
In other words, the Absolute One is not only inner effulgence but also beyond it, as suggested in the Gayatri. 
“He is with the Word, the shabd or Aum, yet beyond It.”
 Both sound and Light are in fact referred to as His prime manifestations. 
The Gayatri recommends that while concentrating on the Divine Word Aum, we fix our attention upon the inner sun. 
While in the Chhandogya Upanishad, we are told that Naad, or the divine music, springs from the Universal  Sun (of Brahmand), a secret that was given by Angiras Rishi to Krishna, the darling son of Devaki (III: 17-6 and 93). 
It was this mystic insight to be found in the srutis, the scriptures revealed through inner hearing, that led to the development of what came to be called the Sphota-vada or the philosophy of the Word. 
The teachers of this path preached that the Absolute was Wordless, imageless, indescribable and unconditioned. When He came into manifestation, He projected Himself as the Sphota or the Word, radiant with Light and vibrating with indescribable Music. The seeker wishing to transcend the relative plane to the Eternal and Unchanging must contact the sphota or the Word Power through which he can rise to the Brahman who is beyond shabd or sphota. 
The Masters teach that the one constant principle that links all these planes from pure spirit to gross matter is the principle of the flaming sound or the sounding flame. The Word or Shabd as it descends downward assumes a varying density of spirituo-material forces. 
This fiery Sound then is All- Consciousness, working within each one of us, and it can be contacted by the assistance of a truly competent Master. 

Such a Master, having revealed this Sounding-Light with- in Himself, may be able to pass the science of this revelation unto others. The Shabd or Celestial Music— which sounds through the entire universe, and is the support thereof—is also within us all and can be consciously experienced through the grace of a Living Master." 

Love & Light

Om SatGuru Kriya Babaji Namah Om

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