Friday, 27 May 2016

Enter The Kingdom of Heaven with SatGuru Babaji Nagaraj ( Mahavatar Babaji)

Fiery Sound and Sounding Flame - Now Enter Ye into the Kingdom of Heaven

“Prajapati vai idam agref aseet Tasya vag dvitya aseet,
Vag vai parmam Brahma. “
(“In the beginning was Prajapati, the Brahman, with whom was the Word, and the Word was verily the supreme Brahman.”) 
This text remarkably parallels the opening of the Gospel according to St. John: 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Thus Aum becomes Brahman as manifesting Itself in the Word, and in the Taittriya Upanishad, It is referred to as the “sheath of Brahman,” as something which takes Its life from Brahman and contains Him. This aspect is made even clearer in the sam Veda:

Brahman is at once Shabd and Ashabd both, And Brahman alone vibrates in space.”
In other words, the Absolute One is not only inner effulgence but also beyond it, as suggested in the Gayatri. 
“He is with the Word, the shabd or Aum, yet beyond It.”
 Both sound and Light are in fact referred to as His prime manifestations. 
The Gayatri recommends that while concentrating on the Divine Word Aum, we fix our attention upon the inner sun. 
While in the Chhandogya Upanishad, we are told that Naad, or the divine music, springs from the Universal  Sun (of Brahmand), a secret that was given by Angiras Rishi to Krishna, the darling son of Devaki (III: 17-6 and 93). 
It was this mystic insight to be found in the srutis, the scriptures revealed through inner hearing, that led to the development of what came to be called the Sphota-vada or the philosophy of the Word. 
The teachers of this path preached that the Absolute was Wordless, imageless, indescribable and unconditioned. When He came into manifestation, He projected Himself as the Sphota or the Word, radiant with Light and vibrating with indescribable Music. The seeker wishing to transcend the relative plane to the Eternal and Unchanging must contact the sphota or the Word Power through which he can rise to the Brahman who is beyond shabd or sphota. 
The Masters teach that the one constant principle that links all these planes from pure spirit to gross matter is the principle of the flaming sound or the sounding flame. The Word or Shabd as it descends downward assumes a varying density of spirituo-material forces. 
This fiery Sound then is All- Consciousness, working within each one of us, and it can be contacted by the assistance of a truly competent Master. 

Such a Master, having revealed this Sounding-Light with- in Himself, may be able to pass the science of this revelation unto others. The Shabd or Celestial Music— which sounds through the entire universe, and is the support thereof—is also within us all and can be consciously experienced through the grace of a Living Master." 

Love & Light

Om SatGuru Kriya Babaji Namah Om

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Sacred Heart - The Secret of Secrets

Sacred Heart - Secret of Secrets

Sacred Heart - The Secret of Secrets
Dearest Beloved,

So much has been lost, but truth being eternal, it is never lost forever, only veiled! 

The Secret of Secrets — the hidden space within the human heart that all of creation emerges from — was in ancient times almost completely an oral tradition kept secret by the priests and shamans of the tribe or culture. Seldom was anything written down, primarily because it cannot be learned or experienced from the written word. Only through direct experience can it truly be known.

Beloved ! It is a physical space within the body that is found, depending on the tradition, either inside the heart or very close to it. Some traditions say it is behind the heart, some say it is off to one side, and others say it is in front of the heart. But most believe it is located inside the physical heart.
In the recent times, the only sage in India, to ever mention, this secret of the spiritual heart and give its location was Ramana Maharishi of Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India. 
Location and What Ramana Maharishi said about the spiritual heart is presented in my previous posts.

Come O Come to the Heart Cave

One aspect is clear. It is not the heart chakra. 

The Secret of Secrets has been referred to, in the Jewish tradition, as the Secret Chamber of the Heart. The Upanishads, the Sanatana Dharma sacred texts, refer to it as the Tiny Place Within the Heart. It also is sometimes referred to as the Sacred Space of the Heart, or The Cave of the Heart.

In truth, there is very little found that has ever been written about this most important part of human experience. 
It is apparent that in ancient times, this place within the heart was known and entered into in their ceremonies, for this is still being done today in a few “lost” tribes in remote areas of the world. 

The Catholic Church has a tradition of the “ Sacred Heart of Jesus.” Though most are not aware of the mystic potential of the Sacred Heart within themselves. But in the paintings of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we can see this mystery unveiled and presented as an open secret. But no one can penetrate this secret without the loving guidance of a living master of this tradition. In Reny’s case , the loving grace of SatGuru Babaji Nagaraj or Mahavatar Babaji.

Beloved , this Sacred Space within the Heart holds the only possibility of there ever being peace on Earth. All political actions on the Earth are being taken from Duality Consciousness — the result of the Fall — and this form of consciousness is based on ego. 
As long as ego runs the course of events in the world, we will never know peace. Ego judges all events as either good or bad from its own viewpoint, and ego always thinks of itself first. As long as ego is safe and comfortable, ego doesn’t usually care what happens to that which seems external to itself. 

The Spiritual Heart speaks only of Oneness and Love.
Beloved ! The heart is so different! It perceives the world as an image, not something “real,” and it see everything at once. The heart knows only unity and Oneness, and creates from that way of seeing. It will never do anything that will be harmful to anyone or anything, for it knows that there is not “two.” 
All that exists is within the heart. In fact, even if it does not exist, it is still within the heart. The Seed of Potential for this Love to create , what still is not in this world right now, exists within this space. Love is another word for God. 
But from the Sacred Space of the Heart, there are various kinds of love, 
Dearest Beloved ! This is the “ Flower of Love “  by which we can be groomed from average to wisdom, by the love of Mahavatar Babaji.
Our spiritual heart blooms, Our minds bloom like a beautiful flower, an expression of grace, love, truth and beauty.

The love that we experience between two people is seldom coming from the heart. 
This kind of love is actually coming from the emotional body and is controlled by the fickle mind.

These emotional feelings are polarised, just as the brain is, and have an opposite expression — for example, love can become hate. 
How often have you kissed someone you love dearly and then ten minutes later, in a moment of heat (heart without an “r”), said, “I hate you!” This is a conditional love. It changes with the moment. 

But in the Sacred Space of the Heart there is a different kind of emotional body, so to speak, that does not have a polarised counterpart. This is a LOVE that knows no bounds, has no conditions, and will exist eternally no matter what. 
This LOVE knows only Oneness and creates only to bring joy to all life everywhere.

Ever since we fell from our heart to our mind, we have been in hell. 
And so I pray that someday soon we all find this place within our hearts, for in this most holy place we all join together as One. 

All the world’s religions and spiritual disciplines allude to this possibility, but most of them have forgotten how to actually enter this sacred space. These ways, like most of the old ways, have been lost. 
But as I said in the beginning, this experience can never be truly lost, for it is the source of humanity and the cosmos itself. It can only be veiled. 
As with all natural events in nature, all things have their timing. The return to the heart by humankind is only a matter of time. 
And remember, the great achievements of this human world have always began with a single man or woman. If only one person — perhaps you? — were to enter the heart in LOVE and begin the holy dreaming process of creating a new world, can you not see that all the rest of us would someday follow? 
A veil is only a veil! The truth is always eternal. Through a single person, the Secret of Secrets could be revealed in the ordinary world of everyday life. 

Om SatGuru Kriya Babaji Namah Om

Monday, 23 May 2016

The Holy Word , The Formless Divine Mother of Mine. The Divine Feminine

The Holy Word

The Divine Music, The Holy Mother, Thou Who Created This Universe, Take me High, Make me Fly, On the Wings of Love
Om , Amen, Ameen, Aum, Om

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 
The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.” 
In the above statement of St. John, there cannot be any doubts about the nature of the Word. It is clearly the light and life of the world, the Creative Life-principle in which we live, move, and have our being. It is the spirit of God, the very essence of the soul but now lost in the mighty swirl of the world and all that is worldly. It is only the contact with the spirit that shows the way back to God and thus is the true religion. This contact is termed variously as the second birth, the resurrection, or the coming into life again. 

The Rishi’s and Sages of Yore , To worship you, Om, Dearest Creatrix
Envisioned the most beautiful form of Divine Feminine
So form could lead the seeker to formless.
Dear Mother, my first Guru
Like how you lead me to my beloved SatGuru Babaji,
Who made me bloom, Who made me love again

He Struck open the boulder, Which held the Sun, 
A Prisoner, in the Heart Cave
He who took me from behind veiled curtains
To venture out to other radiant worlds
Where everything bloomed, lovely and beautiful
Mahavatar Babajis Flower of Love. 
And  Reny, hears his words…. Gurubani.
Om SatGuru Kriya Babaji Nama Om

Naam" ("Word") 
has been described in many 
traditions through the use of several different terms. In the teachings,the following expressions are interpreted as being identical to "Naam": 
"Naad", "Akash Bani", and "Sruti" in the Vedas 
"Nada" and "Udgit" in the Upanishads 
"Logos" and "Word" in the New Testament 
"Tao" by Lao Tzu 
"Music of the Spheres" by Pythagoras
"Sraosha" by Zoraster
"Kalma" and "Kalam-i-Qadim" in the Qur'an
"Naam", "Akhand Kirtan", and "Sacha ('True') Shabd" by Guru Granth Sahib 

A few of these Living Masters of their times include Lao Tzu, Jesus, Pythagoras, Socrates, Kabir, the Sufi Masters, and mystic poets, Hafez and Rumi, the Ten Sikh Gurus beginning with Guru Nanak, Tulsi Sahib.

Mahavatar Babaji is the SatGuru of Kabir and Nanak. He is the living SatGuru of the Tradition of Divine Light and the Holy Word.

Arise & Awake Ye Warriors of Light

Arise & Awake Ye Warriors of Light

Arise , Awake , Ye Warriors of Light

Arise, awake: having reached the great master
Learn, realise the indwelling God, Love, Truth, Light,
Like the sharp edge of a razor is that path,
difficult to cross and hard to tread
Thus say the seer.

Take the Sword of Discrimination,
The Shield of  The Flower of Love in thy hands
With the grace of the SatGuru Babaji Nagaraj,
As Agni, the fire, the priest and the sacrifice, humbly invoked
To help us, man , in this journey, a sacrifice, heavenward. 
Vast wide heaven of beauty, light and truth.

With a mighty roar, Him, the Mahavatar as Kalki
Shall break that boulder, hiding the cavern of my beloved’s heart
Smite and Defeat the Evil Ones , who hold the Sun of Love
From their miserly , greedy , lusty ends.
Freed,  the Sun of Love and Truth, 
Ascend to the Heaven of Love.